Stethoscope and baumanometer placed over white blankets

Severe health conditions appliable for compensation

Stethoscope and baumanometer placed over white blankets

When a severe disease or health condition is obtained, such as cancer, due to the usage of harmful products at work, or which were used daily at home, depending on the case, compensation can be received based on the health affectations.

Personal Injury Cases

In this category fall cases of accidents and those in which a person gets a disease or severe health condition such as cancer, either due to the usage of specific products or at a factory, in the field, or some other place where had previously worked at.

Sometimes, products used to perform certain types of work to which a person was hired have certain chemicals that, years later, can produce diseases or severe health conditions, such as cancer and other severe diseases. When this happens, it’s possible to get compensation.

Exposure to chemicals

Those who work (or worked) with chemicals or products such as asbestos, which can cause cancer, must consider that, years after having worked with them, either in fields or any factory, lymphomas can be developed due to this exposure.

It is worth mentioning that cancer is not necessarily genetic-originated.

Those who worked in fields and developed cancer years later might not relate it to their previous works; however, exposure to certain chemicals, such as certain types of herbicides, can be the root cause. 

Medical studies demonstrate a connection between certain glysophate-based herbicides and lymphoma development.

Lymphoma development doesn’t just suddenly happen, it takes up to 20 or 30 years. Having passed this time, a medical diagnosis can detect certain lymphoma types.

If worked with these kinds of chemicals in the field, or given them personal use to, for instance, maintain a garden, and got a diagnosis of some type of lymphoma, a Personal Injuries Attorney might help to carry out research to determine if there is a connection.

Cancer Diagnosis

When getting a cancer diagnosis, it might be thought that is genetically originated and not linked to a work that was carried out for long periods in fields or factories, where exposed to chemicals.

Being diagnosed with cancer, frequently, can be linked to exposure to these daily or industrial-use chemicals.

Certain factories in different cities used certain chemicals which, years later, had a direct effect on their workers’ health.

The latency period is the time between the exposure to a chemical, and the moment affectation symptoms due to such chemical arise. This could be a long period.

The recommendation is, if you have cancer and don’t know the root cause, contact an experienced Personal Injury Attorney who can refer you to medical experts who can connect the details of your life with your diagnosis.

Not every cancer case is linked to chemical exposure. Is required for an expert to analyze the medical history to determine if there is a connection between the diagnosis and the exposure.

Start a case

When it comes to Personal Injury cases, to start a case the person must have enough time to talk with a lawyer so he/she can know if there is the possibility of compensation. The first thing is to evaluate the case.


Compensation depends on the case type. There are case types from which, despite multiple trials, an attorney will not mention an exact amount.

If health affectations are severe, the affected probably looks for the highest compensation possible. This also works on the opposite; if there was not a severe affectation, it would be hard to obtain a high compensation.


Particularly, in the case of herbicides, health affectations can be more frequent among certain groups of people, such as immigrants, due to the fact of being a group that is commonly employed in this industry.

Other herbicides besides those glyphosate-based, such as 1,1′-dimethyl-4,4′-bipyridyl dichloride, which use is also frequent in fields, can cause problems in the human brain and conditions or diseases such as Parkinson’s. These affect neurons, so having Parkinson’s might be linked to exposure to this kind of herbicide. The exposure tends to happen when this is spread by airships when there are workers within the spreading area, making them either breathe or absorb this chemical through their skin. Years later, those who experienced that kind of exposure can start having hand tremors, suggesting the beginning of the related problems.

When affected by these scenarios, there can be a way to obtain compensation.

The asbestos can cause lung cancer and mesothelioma.

Lack of protective gear

At times, employers, especially when in charge of undocumented immigrant workers who don’t speak English, can try to take advantage not just in monetary terms, but also in terms of exposing their security.

In certain industries, to perform safe work, some kind of protection is required. At times, companies refuse to invest in protective gear, resulting in unhealthy and risky work methods.

The work with asbestos without protection and without following proper processes can result in health affectations. It might happen that after 50 years a person develops lung cancer connected to exposure to asbestos, which can be verified by a doctor through x-rays.

Medical Studies

If there is damage, through studies, a lung cancer diagnosis can be linked to exposure to asbestos, even if the affected smoked.

It’s recommended to not smoke. However, medical experts can verify if lung cancer was caused by tobacco consumption or if it was caused by exposure to asbestos. It’s also possible that the person shows a synergic effect since damages caused by these two factors together can be more dangerous than individually.

An important element in these cases is that a doctor reviews the file and checks, based on his/her experience, if the cancer was caused by smoking or by exposure to chemicals. It’s an element that is used to look for the maximum compensation and get justice. 

A diagnosis needs to exist. If it’s thought that the disease or condition can be related to some kind of work or with the environment in which is lived, it’s recommended to get in touch with a Personal Injuries Attorney backed up by medical experts, so deep research can be carried on.

Either if affected at work and got cancer or Parkinson’s, it’s a good practice to research if there is a link with exposure to certain chemicals or products.

In any case, it’s recommended to get medical attention, since it can save lives. Also, it’s recommended to count on evidence for the case. Having a severe disease or health condition is not easy, it can push the person to overwork on two or even three jobs at a time. It’s important to give oneself the time to take care of one’s health.

Before any discomfort, it’s a good practice to visit the doctor. Not only can save lives, but it also represents an element that can be used for a solid case.


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