Compensation for Car Accidents

Every day, more people are experiencing car accidents. Due to the large crowds within cities, it is common to encounter situations ranging from minor bumps and dents to significant injuries, paralysis, and even death.

It is also common for those affected not to be aware that they can seek compensation due to the recklessness of other drivers, either due to lack of information or fear of seeking help in a new country, where it is unknown to what extent legal support can be sought without affecting one’s stay.

The good news is that something can be done. Here is a guide on steps to take if you have been involved in a car accident.

Steps to Take When Seeking Legal Advice

There are people who suffer injuries and damages in accidents for which they were not responsible. The first recommended step is to consult with a legal team. They will be trained to provide advice based on the type of accident that occurred. It will be necessary to explain in detail how the accident happened and what type of injuries you have, as that will be the foundation of the case. You should also mention the clinics or hospitals visited since the accident, the type of treatment received, and, if possible, the names of the involved doctors.

Visits to the doctor are important. They can determine if it is necessary to consult a specialist and the type of treatment to follow: attending therapies, undergoing medical tests, or completing any treatment regardless of the time it takes. Health is paramount, and recovery is crucial. Additionally, the treatment will be the basis upon which the case will be built.

Once the information is gathered, the lawyer will get in touch. The case will be reviewed again, and the lawyer will be provided with the medical history since the accident for the necessary knowledge to conduct negotiations.

When discharged, and medical treatment is complete, it will be necessary to inform the legal team. It’s important to note that, in many cases, finishing treatment does not guarantee 100% recovery, as sometimes there are lingering effects. That is why compensation for the accident is sought.

Tasks of the Legal Team

The legal team will gather information for building the case, such as the police report or accident report. If you have such a document, it is important to send it to the legal team as soon as possible, as it will serve to open the investigation for the case.

Subsequently, the legal team will request medical records of the treatment received after the accident, from the E.R., studies, therapy, operations (if any), to the end of treatment. Likewise, medical payments and receipts will be requested. This information will be included in the lawsuit and will help determine the amount to be claimed.

Once the documents are gathered, the evidence will be reviewed with a medical expert. They will ensure that all treatment corresponds to the injuries sustained in the accident. This way, when presented as evidence, there won’t be an issue in proving the medical treatment.

Thus, the legal team, along with the lawyer, will initiate the lawsuit process. It will include all damages due to the accident, medical bills, lost wages from being unable to work due to damages and/or treatments, such as hospitalization, fractures, rest, therapies, etc. Additionally, all expenses related to these injuries, such as medications and transportation, will be included.

Within the lawsuit, in certain situations, “special circumstances” can be added. These circumstances may be considered in the following cases:

    • If the person has any condition like cancer, degenerative diseases, physical impairment, etc.
    • If there were children involved in the accident.
    • If the other driver was impaired due to alcohol or some other substance.
    • If the other driver had any citations or tickets.

    These circumstances will help request a more significant compensation.

    Working Together with the Legal Team

    Going through a legal lawsuit process for a car accident will require working together with the legal team on certain aspects, always staying in communication and providing the information the legal team or lawyer requests.

    When the lawsuit is filed, an estimated amount is requested based on the aspects of the accident. Once the other party receives it, you must wait for the first offer. Usually, this initial offer tends to be below the requested amount. This should not be a cause for annoyance or concern, as it is normal for several offers to be made throughout the process. This is considered the negotiation step.

    The lawyer will have the obligation to inform about the first offer and remind that this amount will be divided into medical expenses, fees, and your compensation. That is why negotiation usually occurs, where various offers are proposed by both parties until an agreed-upon amount is reached.


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